
15 Minute Core Workout - Sarah Wachjo

22 October 2023

Sarah Wachjo

Contributor - F45 studio owner

Bodyweight exercises use a person’s own weight as resistance - instead of relying on weights or other exercise equipment. They are great for increasing strength, endurance, speed, power and flexibility - and the best part about bodyweight exercises is how cost-effective they are! You can do them anywhere and anytime - whether you go to the gym or not.

Bodyweight exercises have been part of my weekly training for several years now. There are so many benefits to it that are often overlooked or underestimated. For instance, it can be used to improve your cardio endurance and increase your muscle and core strength abilities.

Body weight training is great because you can modify virtually any exercise to be easier or harder - depending on how hard you want to push yourself. This makes it a fantastic way for anybody to work their way to becoming fitter and healthier, or to challenge those who want to take their fitness to the next level. Of course one of the best parts about this type of training is that it is so versatile - you can literally do it anytime and anywhere!

"I have suffered from lower back pain since an early age and was encouraged to work on strengthening my core. It has made all the difference."

For me, physical performance is very important, and I have discovered that bodyweight training has improved my endurance, core strength, flexibility - and even balance. Core bodyweight training has been a major addition to my weekly training regime.

Core training has helped me with day-to-day tasks. Whether it’s just mopping the floor or throwing a ball around with my son - all these necessary daily motions originate from the core, and so having a strong core really makes all the difference in how you move throughout the day. I suffered from lower back pain at an early age and was encouraged to work on strengthening my core. It has made all the difference.

Don’t forget, the more often you work a muscle the more it strengthens and grows - mix in a healthy diet with core training and you’ve got yourself a great looking six pack. Try this 15 minute core workout that can be done in all places and at any time!


30secs work/ 10 secs rest - 2 x rounds

Crunch Into an Alternative Leg Extension

  • Lying down and, keeping your legs straight, raise your left leg and right leg up in the air together.

  • Crunch up towards your legs and then alternate lowering your left leg and then your right leg down. Return to the starting position and repeat this for 30 seconds.

Cross Body Crunches

  • Lying flat on your back, bend your knees up to around 60 degrees.

  • Keeping your feet flat on the floor, place your hands behind your head in a relaxed way.

  • Slowly curl up, keeping your abdominal muscles engaged.

  • Bring your right elbow and shoulder across your body while bringing your left knee towards your left shoulder.

  • Repeat for the opposite side. Return to the starting position and repeat 5 times on each side.

Moving Plank

  • Start off in the plank position with your hands just under your shoulders and your back and legs straight.

  • Next, move your left leg and hand at the same time to the side - so that you end up moving around 5’’ to the right.

  • Then, after bringing yourself back to the centre, reverse and move your right leg and hand to the left. Do the same for the opposite side. Return to the starting position and repeat 5 times on each side.

Plank Taps

  • Start off again in the same plank position with your back and legs straight and hands just under your shoulders. 

  • Keeping your hips as still as you can, lift your right hand and tap it to the left shoulder.

  • Repeat for the other side, then return to the starting position and repeat for each site.

Lying Leg Raises

  • Lying flat on your back, lift your legs 5 inches off the ground, and hold - engaging your abdominal muscles. Keep your legs straight.

  • Place your hands under your glutes.

  • Keep your legs extended and as straight as possible, with a small bend in the knee. Next, raise your legs until they are 90 degrees to the floor. Breathe out, and hold your core tight at the top for a second.

  • As you breathe in, very slowly lower your legs to the starting position and repeat - count to five as you do this.

Mountain Climbers

  • Begin in a pushup position.

  • Pull your right knee straight up to your chest.

  • Quickly switch to your left leg, and bring the left knee towards your chest.

  • Continue switching knees - 10 reps per knee.

Plank Walkout

  • Start by standing straight, looking forward, and with your feet shoulder-width apart.

  • Bending forward at the hip, feel the stretch in your hamstrings as you touch the floor and then walk out with your hands into a plank position. Keep your legs straight.

  • Push your body back up while keeping your core muscles engaged, and walk back towards your starting point, standing up tall.

Knee Tuck into v-sit

  • Holding a v-sit position (sitting back and both legs straight and raised).

  • Tuck your knees into your chest and then extend your legs back out to return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.

Frog Crunches

  • Lie with your back flat and hands supporting your head and raise your legs to a 45-degree angle.

  • Lift your shoulders and bend your knees, bringing them up towards your chin.

  • Slowly lower yourself back down, extend your legs and return to the starting position, keeping your core muscles engaged.

Finisher - 90 Second Plank Hold

  • With your body in plank position: hands under your shoulders and your core muscles engaged, hold the position for 90 seconds.

These exercises will help you develop a strong core in just 15 minutes per day. They keep your core engaged without relying heavily on intense exercise and this increases the strength of your entire body. The good thing about the exercises above is they are suitable for increasing core stability for all body forms. Regardless of your upper body strength, your whole body will benefit from a daily 15-minute core workout. By doing these workouts every day for a few weeks you will keep your abs tight and your upper body and lower body in good condition.

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