
Weight Loss Backed By Science

11 April 2023

The Chef

Contributor - My Muscle Chef

Our Weight Loss Program allows you to lose weight without compromising on your nutrition. No skipping meals, no going hungry.

The National Health Survey from 2017-18 revealed that 67% of Australian adults are either overweight or obese1. This growing trend in our overweight or obese population is a result of a number of environmental and lifestyle factors contributing to the changing health behaviours of our population. This alarming trend has been passed onto our younger generation with 25% of children being overweight or obese. If this trend continues, more than 18 million Australians will be overweight or obese by 2030. Research on the relationship between overweight and obesity and long term health shows that an increase in weight can lead to an increased likelihood of developing chronic illnesses such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure2.

My Muscle Chef statistics

It has long been known that for long term weight maintenance, ‘fad diets’ that promote severe calorie restriction without any education simply do not work. A shift in overall attitude and habit towards health is the foundation to maintaining a positive change to diet and lifestyle. The key pillars of this foundation are built around a consistent approach to balanced nutrition and physical activity. However, sometimes this is difficult to sustain following the weight loss phase. Often this occurs when there is a severe calorie restriction which is unsustainable, resulting in a shift to old behaviours and taking an all or nothing approach rather than developing maintainable behaviours and building a healthy lifestyle.

During our pilot study, participants lost an average of 5.5kg in just 4 weeks, with some participants reaching their weight loss goal of 7.5kg after being on the Complete Personalised Plan, for 4 weeks. Throughout this timeframe participants reported that they relearned healthy habits and created a positive foundation for long term weight loss*.

My Muscle Chef statistics

The dietitian designed Complete Personalised Weight Loss Program aims to shift current eating patterns to that based on evidence-based practice which suggests that following a calorie controlled diet that is personalised to each individual's lifestyle and activity levels is most effective for sustainable weight loss.

The program is designed with nutrient density at the forefront of its offering. It contains foods high in protein and high in fibre to keep you full, boost your energy and assist in the weight loss process. The role of nutrition is pivotal in our plan, with protein being one of the key nutrients to consume during weight loss to assist with satiety, fat loss and muscle tone, and coupled with fibre to help keep you fuller for longer and improve gut health.

Our participants reported that as a result of the program they experienced improvements in energy levels after just 1 week of the program, reporting they noticed the difference that consuming regular portion-controlled meals that are high in protein, fibre as well as fruits and vegetables had on their physical and mental health.

Participants also felt that they were able to see a major change in their behaviour and attitude towards food and nutrition. This involved breaking old behaviours, often long-term poor eating and physical activity behaviours and creating new ones including consuming smaller frequent meals, drinking more water, completing daily physical activity. Participants reported that these new habits resulted in a more regulated appetite which reduced the urge to ‘binge’ eat and reduced sugar cravings. This supports research that suggests frequent meals lead to a more efficient metabolism, reduced hunger, stable blood sugar levels and a greater nutrient intake.

Participants in the study took part in the Complete Personalised Program, which includes all your meals and snacks provided for you, allowing you to take the guesswork out of counting calories and knowing you are consuming the right foods to help you lose weight, stay satisfied and reduce the urge to snack unnecessarily.

Hear About The Journey Of One Of Our Participants

"I would definitely recommend it to any of my friends or any people that I know because it's a really easy way to lose weight. I never actually thought there was an easy way to lose weight until this program and I didn't actually feel like I was not on a diet. I felt like I was eating food that someone else prepared and it just happened to be healthier" - Michael

Complete Personalised Plan participants lost an average of 5.5kg in just 4 weeks* - read our full Weight Loss Study here.

Are you ready to start your weight loss journey with us?

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