
Healthy Summer Habits

17 March 2023

Ryan Pinto

My Muscle Chef Advanced Sports Dietitian

Summer marks the time of holidays, socialising, hitting the beach and barbecues with friends, and also the start of a new year. The days are longer and it seems to be the perfect time to break old habits and refresh your routine. Whether taking a “new year, new me” approach or easing into the new year, we have a guide that will help you enjoy every moment of your summer break and also help you start the year in the right direction. 

The key word: Balance 

Summer means warm weather, long days and lots of celebrating. This usually is followed by indulging in cooling and refreshing beverages, drinks on a rooftop terrace, plenty of barbecues and of course, summer vacations. 

Many of us end our summer scrambling to get back on track with our diet and go from indulging to drastically cutting calories all in one season. So here is a tip you can follow all summer long, and it’s simple - balance. 

The keyword to promote a healthy lifestyle is balance. For instance, if you go out to eat alfresco at the local pizzeria on a balmy summer night, pair a slice or two with a large salad. Instead of labelling foods like pizza and ice cream as off-limits, or feeling food guilt after consuming them, try looking at the bigger picture and balance out your summer eating with a number of other things you can do to make the most of the summer days ahead. 

Summer Tip #1 - Eat summer foods

Summer is a wonderful time of the year for fresh, seasonal fruit and vegetables. From juicy watermelons and mangoes to fresh salads and summer berries, stocking up on lots of summer fruits and vegetables are a delicious way of adding a whole lot of nutrients and fibre into your diet! 

Add fruit, such as watermelon or strawberries to your next salad for a sweet and refreshing twist! Or substitute a tempting ice cream for a cool cup of berry-topped frozen yoghurt.

Summer Tip #2 - Hydrate

You already know what I’m about to say…. drink lots of water! Drinking enough water is a must, especially in the hot summer months. Staying hydrated is important for your body, skin & digestion. Keeping track of your water intake is a great way to stay on top of your hydration or consider getting a water bottle you can fill up and take with you or using an app to track your water. 

Damien Cook drinking from a my muscle chef water bottle

Next time you are tempted to have a sugary beverage, try a tall glass of fruit-infused water or kombucha. Why not try adding watermelon, kiwi and lime into your drink for an extra-refreshing, lush summer drink.

Summer Tip #3 - Get outdoors

Summer is the best time to get outdoors and soak up the warmer weather. Whether you like swimming, walking, cycling or practising yoga, there are plenty of ways to get outside and get moving. In addition to the health benefits of being active, spending time outdoors can help improve mental health, and boost mood and energy. And there is no better time to start than now! 

If you prefer the coolness of air conditioning you can still get out and about by taking the time to head out in the morning for a gentle walk or swim at the beach.

In Summary

By keeping these small tips in mind you have the capability to be the healthiest version of yourself and also enjoy the memorable summer that awaits! Just by making the most out of the delicious seasonal range of fresh produce summer has to offer and getting outdoors you are already on track to having the healthiest year yet. 

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